Princess Resurrection Site Wiki


List of Episodes were this character appear.

Ep#1 Princess Resurrection[]

In the beginning of the series she was shown eating parfait in a cafe.

When she was arrive at the mansion she started to clean the house before Hime comes home.

She notice someone is coming and see Flandre carrying a luggage and decided to help her.

Ep#2 Princess Destruction[]

While Sawawa is busy cleaning the house Hime ask her were is Hiro, She tell Hime that Hiro is go to school.

When sawawa is go out and do some shopping she leave the house to Flandre and said Flan-chan, I need to go shopping i will leave the house to you.

After shopping she was shocked when she see the house totally wrecked up when suddenly Hiro forced her to go outside.

In the scene were the fire is burning the mansion sawawa watch the house burn down.

Ep#3 Princess Rampage[]

While they serving Hime, hime said she need more servants and sawawa doesnt know what is really happening so she tought that they not enough to serve hime.

Sawawa is gonna do some shopping and in her way she see a women with a bike name Riza heading to the mansion and sawawa think that maybe that girl is a guest of Hime and when she try to go back Hiro stop her and said he will take care of everything. And then sawawa continue on shopping.

In the last scene Sawawa shown serving Hime again with flandre and hiro.

Ep#5 Princess Bloodline[]

When sawawa see Hiro she ask him to help her for the dinner and notice that Hiro is in the good mood today.

At night she ask hime what she like for dinner but hime tell her that she will have a day off.

Ep#6 Princess Alliance[]

While cleaning the backyard Hiro arrive with someone and then she went to the house to prepare a tea to the visitor.

While sherwood and hime is in the house she serve their tea and call sherwood, sherwood chan.

In the morning she was seen cleaning again and when hiro is going to school she ask him if he could do the garden after school.

When the vines started to move she decide to do some shopping.

In the Dandy Cafe she was seen sense something when the mansion explode but she was destructed by the parfait. The two costumers gave their parfaits to sawawa and she was seen happy about it.

Ep#7 Princess Electricity[]

In the living room she was seen computing their electric bill and see their bill is too much. She say to hime that she will not use to much electricity again but hime say she is not the one who use the electricity too much and hime look to flandre.

After Hime eat her meal she was seen standing with Flandre when suddenly Riza came and ask her if she could get her a food and sawawa go to the kitchen and get her food.

But when she arrive at the living room with riza's food she see Hime and the others disappears.
